For example, my goodness - this is a good, useful thing, which is made not for their own benefit and for the benefit of another person. It is not financial - it is a spiritual experience. It does not make sense in the same case you did, and in that sense is your deed. Good prynostyty has only positive emotions and support person in their hour. Whether it's you helped grandma move across the road, or saving human life, which suddenly became ill and, most importantly that this matter has brought benefits to someone!
However, that would not have been different ideas about the good in people (since everyone has their own opinion) it should do! It's the only thing that remains to us, as for me, in terms sohochasnoyi global crisis. Because if we start to do good to one another, they together overcome this problem.
First, urging: "Hasten to do good!" I would like to appeal to our Ukrainian politicians. I am very painful to observe the political crisis that occurred today in Ukraine. Our affluent, unfortunately, not the real deal, is extremely necessary cases, and meet their ambitions and simple division lasoho piece of power. In my opinion, you, dear members, to make good people not only care about themselves. And I'd like to give you an example: "Doing good to one person, you do good to yourself and the world. And imagine how good you get, making a lot of people. Is it not the best way out of this situation? Let's just unite and we will go to a common goal.